A LoRa-based custom software to test the reception of accommodation hosts





software development, accomodation host, questionnary, statistics


In one of the external departments of the Faculty of Economics at the University of Debrecen, where they deal with information technology and software development, he has created software not yet available on the market. To sell the product successfully, it is necessary to assess the exact parameters of the product, the price at which it can be sold and the best way to obtain it. Mapping these parameters will contribute to the creation of profitable software that is not unique in the market but can also be cost-effective and attractive for accommodation providers. We can investigate this using the tried and tested method of questionnaires. This will allow us to investigate and measure, using direct questions, what the accommodation providers think about the software system developed by the company.

Author Biography

László Várallyai, +36/20/508-393

László Várallyai works at University of Debrecen, Faculty of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, Department of Business and Agricultural Informatics as associate professor. His specialist areas of work are the following: Software developing, Internet-based developing, Database systems focusing in the field of agriculture. He was taking part in more research projects and has 25 years experience of computer application in agriculture. The most important project is: Support Collaboration Argumentation-based e-Learning in secondary schools, supported by the European Commission, Framework 5 Programme (IST-1999-10664). He was the secretary of the Organizing Committee of the EFITA2003 Conference that was supported by EU. He is head of professional body (Hungarian Association of Agricultural Informatics). He is author or co-author of more than 170 publications. He is responsible for the Agri-digitalization Engineer BSc course.




How to Cite

Várallyai, L., & Tóth, M. (2025). A LoRa-based custom software to test the reception of accommodation hosts. Journal of Agricultural Informatics, 15(2). https://doi.org/10.17700/jai.2024.15.2.732



Journal of Agricultural Informatics

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