ICT Tools for Implementation the European Qualification Framework in the Agricultural Sector
The development of the European Qualifications Framework for Lifelong Learning (EQF) commenced in 2004 in response to requests from Member States, the social partners and other stakeholders for a common reference tool to increase the transparency of qualifications. Although Qualifications within the Agricultural sector in Europe share a common base, each country represents significant geographical differences that result in variable Learning Outcomes. The ImpAQ project (Implement Agriculture Qualification) recognizes the importance of researching different national qualifications in order to contribute to the comparative analysis at national and European level. The ImpAQ aims to compare the Qualifications related to the Agricultural sector, by identifying and analyzing the main issues to be addressed with the purpose of connecting them to the EQF and focusing on the best resolving approaches following the "best fit" criterion. Within the ImpAQ project the consortium developed and applied ICT tools for collecting information from countries of consortium members to build Inventory Database of Agricultural Qualifications and Agricultural Matrix. The matrix cells contain that which qualification entitle for job in the product/process. The Inventory Database and the Agricultural Matrix is used for comparison qualifications. In our article we describe the concept and ICT tools which was used in the project for filling the matrix and uploading information of Hungarian qualifications into the database.Downloads
How to Cite
Herdon, M., Szilágyi, R., & Várallyai, L. (2011). ICT Tools for Implementation the European Qualification Framework in the Agricultural Sector. Journal of Agricultural Informatics, 2(1). https://doi.org/10.17700/jai.2011.2.1.57
Journal of Agricultural Informatics