Collaborative Virtual Environment and Learning Knowledge Base Management for Agro-Forestry Trainings


  • László Várallyai
  • Miklós Herdon University of Debrecen
  • Charles Burriel Agrosup, Dijon
  • János Tamás University of Debrecen
  • Péter Riczu University of Debrecen
  • János Pancsira University of Debrecen



The aim of the AgroFE project is to play an important role in Agro-forestry trainings. Depending on the European countries, states or professional organizations and training actors try to reintroduce Agro forestry in the course of training and qualification in initial training and in adult education. The main objectives are to make a synthesis of needs and expectations, based on present the existing training actions and to set up a common framework; to build an innovative training system (contextualized, modularized trainings, use of ICT, professionals participation); to create a technical collaborative support for the implementation of the project with communication tools (information of partners and promotion) and for providing access to the resources and training services during and after the project (knowledge databank, interactive services). The user profiles (user groups) are Teachers, Professionals, Students, People with disabilities in professional situations, Knowledge feeders, Knowledge builders and aggregators. There are needs for handling many formats in the knowledge databank (Text in different file structures; Pictures or images; Audio and video files; Data and figures; Container format for exchange contents Pdf, html, Epub 3, etc.). More open source and exist tools and services have been evaluated, tested and used in creating the service architectures and finalize the system components. The Learning Management System, Collaborative Space, Videoconference Systems, Video Repository are implemented and used in the project. The architecture concept of the Knowledge Data Base and Services have been developed. The paper describes the results of the developments. The Moodle LMS system and videoconference servers (which can be used by videoconference equipment, user client software on desktop, notebook and smart-phone) is used for Collaborative working and learning environment. The Moodle (powerful, secure open source) learning and collaborative platform is used as project management, project assessments tools and e-learning / on-line learning. The videconference systems integrated with the Moodle system can demonstrate and show the path towards the near future service similar to the MOOC concept.

Author Biography

László Várallyai

László Várallyai works at University of Debrecen, Faculty of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, Department of Business and Agricultural Informatics as professor assistant. His specialist areas of work are the following: Software developing, Internet-based developing, Database systems. He was taking part in more research projects and has 10 years experience of computer application in agriculture. The most important project is: Support Collaboration Argumentation-based e-Learning in secondary schools, supported by the European Commission, Framework 5 Programme (IST-1999-10664). He was the secretary of the Organizing Committee of the EFITA2003 Conference that was supported by EU. He is member of some professional bodies (Hungarian Association of Agricultural Informatics, John von Neumann Computer Society). He is author or co-author of more than 90 publications.




How to Cite

Várallyai, L., Herdon, M., Burriel, C., Tamás, J., Riczu, P., & Pancsira, J. (2015). Collaborative Virtual Environment and Learning Knowledge Base Management for Agro-Forestry Trainings. Journal of Agricultural Informatics, 6(1).



Journal of Agricultural Informatics

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