ICT based innovative solutions in building agroforestry training and learning support system


  • Miklós Herdon University of Debrecen
  • Charles Burriel
  • János Tamás
  • László Várallyai
  • János Pancsira




The aim of the AgroFE project (www.agrofe.eu) is to develop vocational training in the field of agroforestry in 6 countries: United Kingdom, Belgium, Czech Republic, Hungary, Romania and France. Several levels of training are targeted by the project, levels N3-N4 relate to farmers and future farmers, levels N5 + / N6 affect (future) advisors, trainers, teachers, technicians who are working in the domain. In the context of ICT related to the AgroFE project there are four components, the collaborative tools (OTC-CWS), the Knowledge Data Bank (KDB-BDC), the tools for training and a portal that integrates the tools. The knowledge data bank is a component of the project training system. It aims to gather and share a set of documents, resources that partners can use and which will have been accessed by learners and the public users. The project focuses to the newest innovative ICT solutions and trends. The knowledge data bank is to enable the sharing, access and consultation in the use of certain resources for training. These resources are under different forms: Mono document object (like a photo, a text, a diagram) and Composite materials (for example a html web page with images, a pdf file with pictures and diagrams, a video clip with images and sounds ...). The prototype of the AgroFE project is based on a software, RUBEDO, developed in PHP and RUBEDO is built on different components: a data base management software (DBMS-SGBD), type 'NoSQL', MongoDB, and the user interface uses the ElasticSearch search engine. The paper describes the prototype system and the used ICT tools in the project, such as LMS and the collaborative working environment.

Author Biography

Miklós Herdon, University of Debrecen

Prof. Dr. Miklós Herdon (PhD) works at University of Debrecen, Hungary as Director of the Institute of Economic Analysis Methodology and Applied Informatics. He was responsible for many research projects and has 35 year experience of computer applications in agriculture. Regarding to education he is responsible for many subjects and he organized a lot of conferences on informatics in education and agricultural informatics. He is responsible of BSc and MSc education programs in agri-informatics and a core member of Doctorate School at University of Debrecen and the president of the Hungarian Association of Agricultural Informatics (HAAI) since 2002. He is/was member of some professional bodies (IEEE, Member of Supervisory Board of John von Neumann Computer Society, member of European Federation of Information Technology for Agriculture (EFITA) Board). He has more than 260 publications.




How to Cite

Herdon, M., Burriel, C., Tamás, J., Várallyai, L., & Pancsira, J. (2015). ICT based innovative solutions in building agroforestry training and learning support system. Journal of Agricultural Informatics, 6(4). https://doi.org/10.17700/jai.2015.6.4.206



Journal of Agricultural Informatics

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