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Proposed Model For Artificial Intelligence Acceptance in Recruitment: Telecom in Jordan


  • Fraij Jihad Doctoral School of Management and Business, University of Debrecen
  • László Várallyai Faculty of Economics and Business, Department of Business Informatics, University of Debrecen



Organizations often aim to conveniently and rapidly provide their clients with a competitive value, so many organizations have taken advantage of the enormous technology and communications growth and introduced their services electronically and switched from 'traditional management' to 'electronic management.' In this context, HRM was designed to be EHRM, and the implementation of AI in the HRM is being presented at the time of the digital world. However, many organizations still have difficulties, particularly in developed countries, regarding the level of consumer acceptance of these services. There is still little awareness of user recognition of the use of AI in HRM services. In addition to this, previous literature research on the adoption of AI in HRM was mainly performed in developing countries. This study's primary objective was to provide a theoretical discussion and propose a theoretical framework for adapting HRM AI in the telecom sector in a developing country such as Jordan. Also, it addresses the variables that may influence the level of acceptance of the extended UTAUT2 model and describes the variables that affect the level of acceptance.

Author Biographies

Fraij Jihad, Doctoral School of Management and Business, University of Debrecen

Fraij Jihad, is a PhD student at the University of Debrecen, Faculty of Economics and Business, Department of Business Informatics, in the name of institution/department and member of the several research teams developed within the projects implemented by our Faculty. As a PhD student, Fraij focused on the use of technology in the Human Resources Management (E-HRM, E-Recruitment, E-Management, Blockchain, AI…etc.).

László Várallyai, Faculty of Economics and Business, Department of Business Informatics, University of Debrecen

Associate Prof. Dr. László Várallyai, PhD (Applied Informatics and Logistics Institute; Agricultural Informatics Department). He works at University of Debrecen, Faculty of Economics and Business, Department of Agricultural Informatics as associate professor. His specialist areas of work are the following: Software developing, Internet-based developing, Database systems. He was taking part in more research projects and has 23 years experience of computer application in agriculture. The most important project is: Support Collaboration Argumentation-based e-Learning in secondary schools, supported by the European Commission, Framework 5 Programme (IST-1999-10664). He was the leader of the web developer group. He was the secretary of the Organizing Committee of the EFITA2003 Conference that was supported by EU. He worked in the projects are the following: NODES Creation of a European network of multimedia resource centres for adult training (Socrates GRUNDTVIG), IMPaQ - Implement Agriculture Qualifications (Leonardo) and 3 TEMPUS projects (with Croatia, Serbia and Montenegro – Modernising Higher Education in EU Neighbours). He is the president of the professional body (Hungarian Association of Agricultural Informatics) from 2017. He is author or co-author of more than 160 publications.





How to Cite

Jihad, F., & Várallyai, L. (2021). Proposed Model For Artificial Intelligence Acceptance in Recruitment: Telecom in Jordan. Journal of Agricultural Informatics, 12(2).



Journal of Agricultural Informatics

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