Current Issue

Information technology is an everyday means that is found in all walks of life today. This is also true for almost all areas of agricultural management. The aim of this Journal is to improve scientific knowledge dissemination and innovation process in the agri-food sector. The Journal of Agricultural Informatics has been established in 2009 by the HAAI within a project of the Hungarian National Development Plan Framework. The peer-reviewed journal is operating with international editorial and advisory board supported by the EFITA (European Federation for Information Technology in Agriculture Food and the Environment).
Agricultural informatics serves not only the development of the management systems of the industry but also obtaining and publicising information on production, organisation and the market for the producer.
Technologies into network based business systems built on co-operation will ensure up-to-date production and supply in food-industry. The sector-level approach and the traceability of processed agricultural products both require the application of up-to-date information technology by actors of domestic and international markets alike.
This journal serves the publication as well as familiarization the results and findings of research, development and application in the field of agricultural informatics to a wide public. It also wishes to provide a forum to the results of the doctoral (Ph.D) theses prepared in the field of agricultural informatics. Opportunities for information technology are forever increasing, they are also becoming more and more complex and their up-to-date knowledge and utilisation mean a serious competitive advantage.
These are some of the most important reasons for bringing this journal to life. The journal “Agricultural Informatics” wishes to enhance knowledge in the field of informatics, to familiarise its readers with the advantages of using the Internet and also to set up a forum for the introduction of their application and improvement.
The editorial board of the journal consists of professionals engaged in dealing with informatics in higher education, economists and staff from agricultural research institutions, who can only hope that there will be a demand for submitting contributions to this journal and at the same time there will also be interest shown toward its publications.