This is an outdated version published on 2022-01-11. Read the most recent version.

Elevation models on a sample area of B?szénfa


  • Róbert Barna Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Kaposvár Campus, Institute of Business Regulation and Information Management
  • Bernadett Horváthné Kovács Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Kaposvár Campus, Sustainable Development and Farming



Terrain models are widely used in several fields. Besides commercial Digital Elevation Models, there are open access models, as well. The available drone technology is also suitable to create elevation models. The characteristics, such as resolution, accuracy, fields of use of various models can be different. In the present study we investigate the potential use of various DEMs on a sample field in B?szénfa, Somogy county. If the user’s aim is only to get general information on surface characteristics of a given area or there is no need for high quality geodesic data, then alternative models, such as open source DEMs are reasonable options instead of expensive, commercial models.



2021-06-15 — Updated on 2022-01-11


How to Cite

Barna, R., & Horváthné Kovács, B. (2022). Elevation models on a sample area of B?szénfa. Journal of Agricultural Informatics, 12(2). (Original work published June 15, 2021)



Journal of Agricultural Informatics