A brief review of the application of machine vision in livestock behaviour analysis


  • Matthew Tscharke
  • Thomas M. Banhazi National Centre for Engineering in Agriculture, University of Southern Queensland




It is desirable to increase the frequency between livestock welfare assessments to enhance problem identification and consumer confidence in livestock welfare management. However, animal welfare is difficult to monitor in practice, due to the inefficiencies involved in manually documenting and determining, animal behaviour, social interaction and health condition of large numbers of animals. Furthermore, the effectiveness of a welfare assessment relies on the intuition of the observer which may vary considerably between assessors. Hence, this review investigates the application of machine vision systems to recognise and monitor the behaviour of animals in a quantitative manner. Behaviour-recognition concepts, techniques, and current behaviour monitoring systems are reviewed. Findings indicate that further research is required to develop systems that can monitor the behaviour and welfare of animals’ more efficiently and effectively in commercially realistic environments.

Author Biography

Thomas M. Banhazi, National Centre for Engineering in Agriculture, University of Southern Queensland

Associate Professor Thomas Banhazi is a Principal Scientist at the National Centre for Engineering in Agriculture, University of Southern Queensland and his expertise is mainly related the application of information technologies in agricultural settings. He has obtained a number of competitive project grants throughout the years and published in excess of 170 journal and international conference papers. He is the Chair of the CIGR (International Commission of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering) "Structures and Environment" expert group, as well as the Vice-President of the Australian Society for Engineering in Agricultural (SEAg).




How to Cite

Tscharke, M., & Banhazi, T. M. (2016). A brief review of the application of machine vision in livestock behaviour analysis. Journal of Agricultural Informatics, 7(1). https://doi.org/10.17700/jai.2016.7.1.279



Journal of Agricultural Informatics