Access and Usage of ICTs for Agriculture and Rural Development by the tribal farmers in Meghalaya State of North-East India


  • Rebekka Syiem Central Agricultural University (CAU)
  • Saravanan Raj Central Agricultural University (CAU)



A study was conducted to find out the level of access and usage of ICTs among farmers of Meghalaya state of India. A total of 120 farmers were randomly selected for the study during November 2013 to May 2014. The results showed that majority of the farmers owned mobile phones as well as television and radio. The most frequently used ICT was mobile phone. Mobile phones were widely used by the farmers for social communication, contacting middle men for the marketing of produce and contacting experts on real time basis for getting agricultural advisories. Farmers also reported that mobile phones proved to be useful during health emergencies. Information services on availability of inputs, quality of inputs, and pest and disease management of crops were also used by the farmers through ICTs. Major problems in the use of ICTs by the farmers were lack of confidence in operating ICTs, erratic power supply, low network connectivity and lack of awareness of the benefits of ICTs.




How to Cite

Syiem, R., & Raj, S. (2015). Access and Usage of ICTs for Agriculture and Rural Development by the tribal farmers in Meghalaya State of North-East India. Journal of Agricultural Informatics, 6(3).



Journal of Agricultural Informatics