Use of computer vision to determine leaf damage caused by Diaphania hyalinata in Santiago del Estero, Argentina
Diaphania hyalinata (L.) is a major pest of agriculture for cucurbits that causes different percentages of defoliation. In this context and to determine precisely the consumed area during the larval stage, we developed a method that uses computer vision techniques. Programs use digitized images of the leaves before and after inserting the larvae to determine the consumed area. The programs work with binarized and thresholded images, first processing the leaf without damage, then the one that presents decrease in the surface, and the damaged area is found by relating the constituent elements of each image. Resulting values were similar to those mentioned and measured for this specie using other techniques. It is considered an important contribution for its accuracy and short time spent in processing.Downloads
How to Cite
Larcher, L. I., Biasoni, E. M., Cattaneo, C. A., Helman, S. A., & López, M. (2015). Use of computer vision to determine leaf damage caused by Diaphania hyalinata in Santiago del Estero, Argentina. Journal of Agricultural Informatics, 6(2).
Journal of Agricultural Informatics